Problems and Solutions in Linguistics, Literature, and FLT (Volume 10, Issue 2 - 2022)
e-ISSN 2534-9538 | p-ISSN 2534-952X
Title | Contents
Revisiting constraints on postverbal argument coding and linearization in English goal ditransitive constructions | Bebwa Isingoma
Awareness of word analyzability and its role in expanding learners’ vocabulary | Ahmed Hamid Abdulrazzaq
The use of Google forms as supplementary learning material for the ESP class | Olivia Chirobocea-Tudor
Unpacking modified idiomatic expressions in Kenyan political discourse: A cognitive linguistic perspective | George Ouma Ogal, Eliud Kiruji Kirigia, Victor Ondara Ntabo
The potential of contrastive analysis in the study of discourse | Boryana Kostova