Title: Challenge accepted: Employing reading comprehension strategies in training your brain into becoming a better reader
Vol. 1, 2016, pp. 108-116.
DOI: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.010
Author: Radostina Iglikova
About the author: Assistant Professor Radostina Iglikova defends her PhD thesis in Germanic Languages (Modern English) in May, 2016. She holds the position of assistant professor of American literature at the Department of English Studies, Faculty of Humanities at Shumen University since 2010 and is the author of one elective discipline. She has guest-lectured at the University of Cordoba, Spain and the University of Bucharest, Romania within the Erasmus Plus programme. Her research interests include CMDA, New Media and Comparative Linguistics. She has participated in a number of conferences and her publications include the monograph Ways of Achieving Efficiency in Women’s E-magazine Discourse (English - Bulgarian study) and over 20 articles in peer-reviewed and impact-factor journals.
Citation (APA style): Iglikova, R. (2016). Challenge accepted: employing reading comprehension strategies in training your brain into becoming a better reader. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 1, 108-116. doi: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.010
Abstract: The following article provides a brief overview of the specificities of the processes of reading and comprehension as a starting point for a discussion of the 8 reading comprehension strategies deemed most successful. Furthermore, it provides a list of practical guidelines for the application of each of these strategies.
Key words: reading as a process, reading comprehension, comprehension strategies, written text, practical guidelines
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