Title: Challenges in teaching remedial apologies to learners of English as a foreign language


Vol. 1, 2016, pp. 117-124

DOI: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.011


Author: Deyana Peneva

About the author: Assistant Professor Deyana Peneva, PhD is a lecturer in the English Studies Department, Faculty of Humanities at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria. She holds lectures in Phonetics; Speech acts in English and Bulgarian; Linguistic models and strategies in spoken interaction with BA students in English studies and Applied Linguistics as well as seminars in Practical English (written practice, translation). Additionally, she takes lectures in Tour-guide practicing in MA programme English language for Business and Tourism. Her interests are in the area of Semantics; Cross-cultural Pragmatics; Speech acts; Discourse analysis; Spoken English and Phonetics.




Citation (APA style): Peneva, D. (2016). Challenges in teaching remedial apologies to learners of English as a foreign language. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 1, 117-124. doi: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.011




Abstract: The paper dwells on the process of acquiring communicative competence by presenting three apology patterns which foreign language teachers should be competent to recognize and differentiate between when teaching speech acts and politeness strategies. In particular, three remedial apologetic models are discussed in brief with respect to their form, function, and use as well as the socio-cultural aspect of the communicative acts they constitute.

Keywords: communicative competence, context, remedial apologies, syntactic patterns, Pragmatics



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