Title: Valency constructions at work: a case study


Vol. 1, 2016, pp. 21-21

DOI: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.003


Author: Temenuzhka Seizova-Nankova

About the author: Associate Professor Temenuzhka Seizova-Nankova, PhD was born in Troyan. She received her MA at Sofia University in 1977. Temenuzhka Seizova-Nankova worked as a teacher of English in her hometown and in FL school in Lovech. Since 1990 she has been a lecturer at the English Studies Department, Shumen University. She has published in various frameworks: TGG, FG. Seizova-Nankova (2016) is based on CxnG approach to Argument Structure (Goldberg, Croft, Herbst). By analysing 6279 tokens of corpus drawn from BNC by SkE, a delicacy scale of item-specific to more generalized ‘valency constructions’ of V_hand(s) collocations is revealed. All her work is strongly motivated by foreign language linguistics.




Citation (APA style): Seizova-Nankova, T. (2016). Valency constructions at work: a case study. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 1, 21-41. doi: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.003




Abstract: This is a corpus-driven analysis which aims at highlighting the complex behavior of V+eye(s) collocation (1372 occurrences) drawn from the BNC, more specifically from Kilgarriff’s WordSketch of the lemma EYE. Statistical scores are used to identify patterns of use in relation to relative frequency. As a result, some monovalent, divalent, and trivalent valency constructions are described. Such observations have important implications both for future research of language use as well as for foreign language learning and teaching.

Key words: corpus-driven analysis, embodiment, inalienable possession construction,

hapax legomena, semantic network



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