Title: Adapting an English language textbook to the principles and laws of Suggestopedia
Vol. 1, 2016, pp. 90-100
DOI: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.008
Author: Dessislava Georgieva Todorova-Hlavacik
About the author: BA student at the Department of English Studies, Shumen University, Bulgaria.
Citation (APA style): Todorova-Hlavacik, D. (2016). Adapting an English language textbook to the principles and laws of Suggestopedia. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 1, 90-100. doi: 10.46687/SILC.2016.v01.008
Abstract: The article aims to describe the application of Suggestology in the pedagogical practice – Suggestopedia/Reservopedia. An overview of “suggestion” as a communicative factor and as a psychological basis for the science of Suggestology is presente together with the main principles, means and laws of Suggestopedia. Some characteristics of the suggestopedic textbook and my work in remodelling the original textbook “Energy for Bulgaria, for the 6-th grade” into a new stopedically adapted version are presented.
Key words: suggestion, suggestology, suggestopedia, suggestopedic textbook
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