Title: Unveiling the cultural identity of prospective English teachers at a public university in Brazil
Vol. 2, 2017, pp. 152-168.
DOI: 10.46687/SILC.2017.v02.013
Author: João Fábio Sanches Silva
About the author: Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS), Brazil
Author: Lucia Maria de Assunção Barbosa
About the author: Universidade de Brasília (UNB), Brazil
Citation (APA style): Silva, J. F. S., & Barbosa, L. M. A. (2017). Unveiling the cultural identity of prospective English teachers at a public university in Brazil. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 2, 152-168. doi: 10.46687/SILC.2017.v02.013
Abstract: When dealing with cultural studies and foreign language teacher education, those involved in the process of learning and teaching are somehow bound to concepts and attitudes which may lead them to changes or (re)adaptations of some of their values, beliefs and behaviors. Among these possible changes, identity is called into question. In this sense, identity seems to be concealed by many veils which are gradually withdrawn by the moment the subject gets involved with contexts which may question her own agency and the investments made to be part of such new context, as those which can be observed in constant flux of changes in prospective English teachers in Brazil. Based on such assumption, this text aims to discuss in what ways the construction and expression of cultural identity of prospective English teachers from a public university in Brazil occurs. Most specifically, it searches for unveiling to what extent such cultural identity may lead them to reflect about their role as future language teachers as part of their education. Data suggest that cultural identity is a notion which may help future language teachers to become conscious of their multifaceted identity, which can emerge and be unveiled.
Key words: cultural identity, teacher education, English
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