Title: Some aspects of multimedia technology as a means of improving the quality of foreign language teaching
Vol. 8(3), 2020, pp. 81-88.
DOI: 10.46687/SILC.2020.v08i03.006
Author: Olga Kryuchkova
About the author: Olga Nikolaevna Kryuchkova is an assistant at the Department of German Studies and Linguistic Didactics at the Institute of Foreign Languages at Moscow City University. The courses she teaches include Practical course of the second foreign language. Olga Kryuchkova has scientific publications in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages and information and communication technologies. She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow for effective and fruitful work in the system of higher education, for a significant contribution to the training of qualified personnel for educational institutions of the city of Moscow.
Citation (APA style): Kryuchkova, O. (2020). Some aspects of multimedia technology as a means of improving the quality of foreign language teaching. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 8(3), 81-88. doi: 10.46687/SILC.2020.v08i03.006
Abstract: The article is focused on some of the issues encountered in using multimedia technologies in foreign languages teaching. The process of the advent of ICTs is particularly relevant in the period of rapid informatisation of society. The article presents a review of the findings of some of the Russian scholars engaged in the research on the application of multimedia technologies in foreign language teaching in a non-linguistic environment and covers the way multimedia technologies can be applied in the teaching of phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. The focus is on one particular program, i.e. iSping.
Key words: multimedia technology, e-learning, foreign language, e-textbook, iSping
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