Title: Machine translation post-editing – Current situation and the future of translator training in Bulgaria


Vol. 9(3), 2021, pp. 63-75.



Author: Irina Stoyanova-Georgieva

About the author: Irina Stoyanova-Georgieva, PhD is a lecturer in the English Studies Department of Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria. She has done a translation traineeship at the European Parliament and has a PhD thesis on the use of intensifiers in letters to the editor in British and Bulgarian newspapers and magazines. Her main interests are in the field of translation studies and translation technologies.




Citation (APA style): Stoyanova-Georgieva, I. (2021). Machine translation post-editing – Current situation and the future of translator training in Bulgaria. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 9(3), 63-75.




Abstract: The current paper is an attempt to analyse the situation on the market for specialised translation services, and more precisely for Machine Translation in Bulgaria. It provides an overview of some of the generic MT systems and analyses the results coming from the translation of two types of text. The aim of the paper is to raise awareness about the results of Neural Machine Translation and to reveal the need for MT post-editing courses.

Key words: Neural Machine Translation, specialised translation services, post-editing



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