Title: The potential of contrastive analysis in the study of discourse.
Vol. 10(2), 2022, pp. 66-80.
Author: Boryana Kostova
About the author: Boryana Kostova is Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Language Teaching and Post-graduate Qualification, Varna Free University, Varna, Bulgaria. She has extensive experience in teaching various ESP courses, materials design and certification of language proficiency. She is also doctoral student at the Department of English Studies, Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria. Her research interests and publications are in the area of political discourse, academic communication and ELT.
Citation (APA style): Kostova, B. (2022). The potential of contrastive analysis in the study of discourse. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 10(2), 66-80.
Abstract: The article focuses on contemporary trends in contrastive studies. As a point of departure the nature, history and evolution of contrastive linguistics are examined. Contrastive linguistics is viewed in relation to other disciplines such as comparative linguistics, comparative historical linguistics, linguistic typology, theory of translation, and foreign language teaching. Any aspect of language may be covered in cross-linguistic studies which involve a systematic comparison of two or more languages both at micro-linguistic and macro-linguistic level. The current trends are identified in terms of macro-linguistic widening of contrastive analysis which is applied in studies of specialized discourses such as media, political and academic communication. The findings are based on a small-scale research of contrastive studies published in Contrastive Linguistics, the oldest international journal for contrastive linguistics. By conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis and employing a diachronic approach conclusions are drawn about the need for the contrastive approach at macro-level, the type of linguistic phenomena studied and the preferred methods of contrastive analysis within a period of forty-six years. The findings show that there is only a slight increase in macro-linguistic analyses in recent years, but contrastive analysis remains a vibrant area of research with a potential for development at discourse level in particular and implications for intercultural understanding and tolerance.
Key words: contrastive linguistics, macro-linguistic contrastive analysis, discourse
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List of research articles published in Contrastive Linguistics which conduct contrastive analysis at text, discourse, pragmatic and sociolinguistic level
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