Title: In the mind’s eye: Mental conceptualization of floods by the British and the Bulgarian media
Vol. 10(3), 2022, pp. 94-109.
Author: Ivaylo Gorchev
About the author: Ivaylo Gorchev is a PhD candidate at the Department of English Studies at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree, major “English Philology” in 2001 and in 2018, he received his MA degree, major “English Philology – English Studies and Mass Communications” from the same university. The topic of his PhD thesis is “Analysis of the Bulgarian and the British media discourse on catastrophic events (a Comparative Study)”. He is currently a teacher of English at Nikola Yonkov Vaptsarov Foreign Language School, Shumen. His interests include media discourse research on media objectivity and conceptual metaphors. He is also interested in foreign language teaching and music production.
Citation (APA style): Gorchev, I. (2022). In the mind’s eye: Mental conceptualization of floods by the British and the Bulgarian media. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 10(3), 94-109.
Link: SILC_2022_Vol_10_Issue_3_094-109_16.pdf
Abstract: From a cognitive linguistics perspective, the present study is aimed at the analysis of manifestations of metaphorical mental conceptualizations of flooding events in terms of war in the language used by the British and the Bulgarian journalists and the extent to which the implementation of the cognitive metaphor FLOODING CRISIS IS WAR differs in the media representations of the two countries. The corpus used for the research consists of 19 articles extracted from the electronic databases of four newspapers – two for the British discourse (the Guardian and the Independent) and two for the Bulgarian discourse (Monitor and Standart). A total of 33 example sentences have been extracted from the corpus (21 from the British media and 12 from the Bulgarian media) and they have been coded with respect to the mappings between the source and target domain of the cognitive metaphor. The results of the research show that the media both in the UK and Bulgaria rely on metaphorical projection from the domain of war when flooding crises are reported, which confirms the notion that metaphorical projection is a universal structural element of cognition.
Key words: conventional metaphor, cognition, conceptualization, mappings, media language
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