Title: Aspects of teaching and learning verbs of perception
Vol. 11(1), 2023, pp. 100-113.
Author: Tsvetalina Aneva
About the author: Tsvetalina Georgieva Aneva, PhD is a Senior assistant professor at the Department of English Studies at Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen, Bulgaria. Her academic interests are in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, Comparative Studies and Second-language acquisition research. She teaches grammar and vocabulary practice, academic reading and writing skills.
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Citation (APA style): Аneva, Ts. (2023). Aspects of teaching and learning verbs of perception. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 11(1), 100-113.
Abstract: The present research takes a practical and methodological approach to verbs of perception with a focus on some specific characteristics of the basic perception verbs, paying special attention to the difference between active and passive perception. It aims at investigating the difficulties that students face when studying perception verbs and applying grammar rules. The study applies qualitative and quantitative analysis to examine learners’ deviations in the use of perception verbs. The analysis of students’ errors reveals that it is difficult for learners to identify the main differences between the three types of perception verbs: those denoting actions, perceptions and properties.
Key words: perception verbs, classification, active and passive perception, language teaching
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