Title: The effectiveness of EFL course materials developed on the grounds of critical language pedagogy and the pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning approach
Vol. 11(2), 2023, pp. 7-25.
Author: Barbara Muszyńska
About the author: Dr Barbara Muszyńska, a Fulbright Senior Award scholar at Texas Woman’s University (2021-2022), works as an assistant professor at the University of Lower Silesia in Wrocław, Poland. Her research focuses on bilingual and plurilingual education. She sees plurilingual and inclusive education as issues of paramount importance in today's world and believes that education and curricula should provide opportunities to include otherness and conflicting voices, thus creating conditions for critical reflection. Her research is interdisciplinary, it combines educational linguistics and pedagogy. She has published in numerous international journals on bilingual and intercultural education and EFL.
Author: María-Elena Gómez-Parra
About the author: María-Elena Gómez-Parra is University Professor, attached to the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Cordoba. Her area of work is bilingual and intercultural education. She directs the Research Group HUM-1006 "Bilingual and Intercultural Education" (EBeI). She is the director of the Ibero-American Network of Bilingual and Intercultural Education (IBIE) and the PI of research projects on bilingualism. She has published in numerous international journals on second language learning, intercultural education and bilingual education. She has participated as a researcher in numerous international projects (Erasmus Intensive Programmes, Comenius and KA2, among others), and is the director of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) entitled 'Play, Education, Toys and Languages (PETaL)'. She has coordinated the KA203 TEACUP (Teachers, Culture, Pluri) project. She has also been the president of the International Congress on Bilingual Education (from 2015 to the present).
Citation (APA style): Muszyńska, B., & Gómez-Parra, M-E. (2023). The effectiveness of EFL course materials developed on the grounds of critical language pedagogy and the pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning approach. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 11(2), 7-25.
Abstract: A review of literature that underpinned the theoretical framework for materials design presented in this study contributed to the development of English language course through the lens of Critical Language Pedagogy (CLP) and the Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning approach (PTDL). The purpose of the study was to gain initial knowledge on the effectiveness of such an approach for materials design, which could provide the basis for further questions related to the actualized learning potential of educational materials. With this purpose in mind, an interpretive content analysis of the Scenario-based Assessment for Learning Experiences questionnaires was conducted upon the course completion with university students from Spain and Poland. The obtained results suggest that educational materials prepared on the grounds of CLP and PTDL have the potential to support language learning in linguistically diverse educational contexts and can be characterized by their actualized learning potential. It is noteworthy that 30% of participants reported that the experience of working with the course led to personal growth and development. Nonetheless, as this research shows, such a process requires a change in the role of the teacher and a shift in the perception of learning goals in favor of the contextualization of learning materials, which is what future research should further examine.
Keywords: Critical Language Pedagogy, Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning, English language materials design, university students
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