Title: Verbs denoting authorial position: A contrastive Bulgarian-English study of medical research articles
Vol. 11(2), 2023, pp. 71-82.
Author: Ivaylo Yordanov Dagnev
About the author: Assoc. Professor Ivaylo Yordanov Dagnev, PhD is an Associate Professor of ESP and EAP at UARD – Plovdiv and a Senior Lecturer at the Medical College of Medical University in Plovdiv. He holds a PhD in linguistics and his particular areas of interest include Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Translation Studies, Cognitive Semantics, Discourse Studies, English for Specific Purposes and English for Academic Purposes. His PhD title is: Metaphorical Terms in Anatomy: An English-Bulgarian Comparative Study. He has submitted two habilitation papers. The primary one is entitled: ‘The "Scientific Medical Article" Genre in Bulgarian and English Academic Discourse’ and the second one written in English is entitled: ‘Medical Discourse - Implications of Inverse Translation for the Medical Research Article Genre’. He has published a book based on his PhD with a title: Metaphors and Shells in Anatomy: Bulgarian-English Cross Linguistic Study.
Citation (APA style): Dagnev, I. (2023). Verbs denoting authorial position: A contrastive Bulgarian-English study of medical research articles. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 11(2), 71-82.
Abstract: The article addresses the issue of a specific discourse category, that of verbs expressing authorial stance in the context of the medical research article. A contrastive study is performed based on two corpora comprising original medical research articles in Bulgarian and English languages, respectively. All the articles have been excerpted from journals with high impact factors covering almost every field of medicine. All data have been processed with the help of word processing programmes to achieve a high level of accuracy. The paper looks into the most frequently used verbs both in the Bulgarian articles and the English ones. The analysis rests on a division of three types of verbs – factive, non-factive and counterfactive ones. Each of the presented verbs is analyzed in the light of this division supported by a number of exemplar sentences extracted from the corpora. One corollary that could be drawn is the fact that Bulgarian authors refrain to a large extent from expressing categorical disagreements which is not so characteristic of the authors in the English-language medical research articles.
Key words: stance verbs, medical research article, contrastive study, Bulgarian, English
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