Title: Educational technology (EdTech) in English as a foreign language (EFL) in Bangladesh: Necessities, innovations, and implications


Vol. 11(3), 2023, pp. 102-129.



Author: Md Mozaffor Hossain

About the author: Md Mozaffor Hossain is a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Department of English, North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, USA. Currently, he is pursuing his second MA in English Language and Literature. He accomplished his BA Honors in English Literature and Masters in English Language Teaching from University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. His research interests include rhetoric through everyday things, rhetoric and composition, digital rhetoric, digital pedagogy, green pedagogy, transformative learning, and psycholinguistics.




Author: Rakib Al Hasan

About the author: Rakib Al Hasan is a student of BA (Hons) in English at Pundra University of Science & Technology, Bogura-5800, Bangladesh. His research interests are ELT, linguistics, sociolinguistics, and psycholinguistics. As a proactive research assistant, he passionately contributes to his faculty, embodying a commitment to advancing language studies and academic exploration.





Citation (APA): Hossain, M., & Al Hasan, R. (2023). Educational technology (EdTech) in English as a foreign language (EFL) in Bangladesh: Necessities, innovations, and implications. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 11(3), 102-129.


Abstract: The use of educational technology (EdTech) in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning in Bangladesh has already been accepted due to its amenities. This paper aims to explore the EdTech tools and devices currently used in EFL context in Bangladesh. Concurrently, it unearths the pragmatism of the EdTech resources along with what consequences they come with. The study applied a mixed-method approach consisting of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. 100 undergraduate students from 19 different private and public universities and colleges of Bangladesh were the sample population, and they were interviewed over the phone and provided with a semi-structured survey questionnaire using a Google Form sent via email and social networking sites. The findings reveal that almost all the participants have an idea of what EdTech includes, but they do not get the required support and environment to utilize them properly. Institutions offering EdTech support are quite a few in number whereas many have access to the latest EdTech inventions and innovations at their personal initiatives. Nevertheless, the learners encounter a number of crucial obstacles while exploiting EdTech scopes and arrangements, which are essential to address. Finally, the findings assert that learners are interested in utilizing EdTech in EFL learning with proper logistical support. 

Keywords: Educational Technology, EdTech, EdTech support, Institutions, EFL, Bangladesh



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