Title: Anglicisms in the Macedonian political discourse: A serious threat or a welcome addition.
Vol. 12(1), 2024, pp. 169-189.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Silvana Neshkovska, PhD
About the author: Dr. Silvana Neshkovska is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education – Bitola, University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola. She teaches a number of courses in English linguistics such as Syntax, Pragmatics, Contrastive Analysis and Phonetics and Phonology as well as Translation, at the Department of Macedonian and Other Foreign Languages. Her main research interests lie in the field of pragmatics, contrastive analysis, English language teaching and translation. She has published a number of research papers in various domestic and foreign scientific journals (e.g. Lodz Papers of Pragmatics; Acta Neophilologica; Respectus Philologicus; Linguistics, Culture and Identity in Foreign Language Education; Teacher International Journal (IJET), Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT; International Journal of Language and Linguistics (IJLL), International Journal of Applied Language Studies and Culture, Thesis International Research Journal, etc.).
Citation (APA): Neshkovska, S. (2024). Anglicisms in the Macedonian political discourse: A serious threat or a welcome addition. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(1), 169-189.
Abstract: The widespread presence of Anglicisms in the Macedonian language is undisputable. Anglicisms are particularly conspicuous in political discourse as politicians seem to have pronounced tendency to insert English borrowings in their public statements, speeches, discussion and debates quite frequently. While politicians thus clearly attempt to reinforce the persuasiveness of the political messages they impart to the masses, the question that arises is whether the general public endorses or condemns such a linguistic strategy.
The aim of this paper is to shed some light on Macedonian native speakers’ perceptions and understanding of a list of Anglicisms that have become an integral part of Macedonian political discourse. For the purposes of this research, a tailor-made questionnaire was conducted among Macedonian speakers of different ages and educational levels. The aim was twofold – to inspect the influence of age and education on the informants’ understanding of Anglicisms, and to ascertain whether they perceive Anglicisms as a serious threat to the purity of their mother tongue or as a welcome addition that enriches it and increases its expressive potential.
The insights gained from this research point in the direction of a tacit agreement between political authorities and general public about the usefulness of Anglicisms in Macedonian political discourse, but they also indicate that the (lack of) understanding and (non)acceptance of Anglicisms used in political discourse, to a great extent, are conditioned by the profile of Macedonian native speakers, i.e. their age and education, in particular.
Keywords: Anglicisms, Macedonian, political discourse, social factors
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