Title: Paratextual reframing of visual elements in Al Jazeera’s coverage of the 2022 conflict between Russia and Ukraine
Vol. 12(1), 2024, pp. 44-69
Author: Karina AlOteibi
About the author: Karina AlOteibi is an MA holder in Audiovisual and Mass Media Translation at the Applied Science Private University. Her main areas of interest include corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, and translation studies.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Ahmad S Haider, PhD
About the author: Ahmad S Haider is an associate professor in the Department of English Language and Translation at the Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan. He received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Canterbury/ New Zealand. His current research focuses on how political events are socially, discursively, and linguistically represented in media, combining Corpus Linguistics and (Critical) Discourse Analysis. His main areas of interest include corpus linguistics, discourse analysis, and translation studies. Dr. Haider has built different large Arabic and English corpora. He professionally masters different Corpus Linguistic software packages.
Author: Assoc. Prof. Hadeel AlSaed, PhD
About the author: Hadeel AlSaed is an associate professor at the Department of English Language and Translation at the Applied Science Private University (ASU). Dr. Saed received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Methods of Teaching English from the University of Jordan in 2012. Her main areas of interest include second-language learning, first-language learning, translation studies, socio-linguistics, syntax, and phonetics. Dr. Saed has published many research articles in prestigious journals.
Citation (APA): AlOteibi, K, Haider, A.S., & AlSaed, H. (2024). Paratextual reframing of visual elements in Al Jazeera’s coverage of the 2022 conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(1), 44-69.
Abstract: Since it started in February 2022, the Russian-Ukrainian War has gained the interest of numerous news organizations. The reframing of visual elements of ten news items about the Russian-Ukrainian War is examined in this study. The Arabic versions are extracted from the Al Jazeera website, while the original articles were taken from The Atlantic and Foreign Affairs. Baker’s narrative theory is used in this paper (Baker, 2018). Comparing the visual elements in the English articles to their Arabic equivalents allowed researchers to pinpoint how they are paratextually reframed in the translated versions. The findings showed that Al Jazeera occasionally produces various, varied, and incongruent interpretations of the narrative. This could lead to multiple and, occasionally, dissimilar perspectives on the same story. The findings showed that Al Jazeera utilized paratextual reframing strategies involving visual elements, such as images, videos, and typographical features, to reframe the Russian-Ukrainian War. The research suggests that while the original media outlets initially framed the war according to their agenda, Al Jazeera altered this frame in the translated text. As a result, the target audience’s perception of the event under examination may change during the entire process.
Keywords: Russian-Ukrainian conflict, paratextual framing, visual elements, Al Jazeera, Arabic
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