Title: Analysing the allographic notes in the Turkish translation of an ecological work: Silent Spring

Vol. 12(1), 2024, pp. 70-81.



Author: Assoc. Prof. Gökçen Hastürkoğlu, PhD

About the author: Assoc. Prof. Gökçen Hastürkoğlu, PhD, is an associate professor doctor at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of English Translation and Interpretation, Atılım University, Ankara, Turkey. After completing her undergraduate degree at Hacettepe University, Translation and Interpretation Department, she has earned her MA in the field of English Language and Literature. She has completed her PhD in the field of English Linguistics. Her research interests are translation pedagogy, ecotranslation, cognitive linguistics, medical translation, translation of children’s literature, and translation criticism.





Citation (APA style): Hastürkoğlu, G. (2023). Analysing the allographic notes in the Turkish translation of an ecological work: Silent Spring. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(1), 70-81.


Abstract: Paratextual elements play a crucial role in original and translated works, serving as a bridge between the creators and the recipients of the works. Analysing these elements can provide a deeper understanding of the motives of the authors, publishers, and translators. This study aims to investigate the allographic notes, specifically the translator’s notes, in the Turkish translation of Silent Spring, a work that raises awareness about environmental impacts of DDT on ecology. The study also seeks to reveal, in such an ecological context, the translator’s approach and motives in using footnotes categorized as factual and interpretive notes and their functions. The qualitative analysis indicates that the factual notes outnumber the interpretive notes and the main function of the translator’s notes is to provide definitional and explanatory information about the ecology-related terminology which is in line with the genre of the text and the characteristics of the target readers.Formun ÜstüFormun Altı

Key Words: allographic notes, footnotes, paratextual elements, translator’s note, pragmatic functions, Rachel Carson



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