Title: Book review: Legitimation and presidential campaign speeches: Discursive and pragmatic aspects [Легитимация и предизборни речи: Дискурсивни и прагматични аспекти] by Boryana Kostova-Stamboliyska. 


Vol. 12(2), 2024, pp. 241-244. 



Author: Desislava Cheshedzhieva-Stoycheva

About the author: Associate Professor Desislava Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva, PhD received her PhD from the University of Shumen, Bulgaria in 2010. The topic of her thesis was Tolerance and ethnicity in media discourse: A comparative study. In 2018 she was awarded Associate Professor. Her habilitation work was entitled Framing Muslims in the Bulgarian and British Media Discourse (Konstantin Preslavsky University Press, 2018). Desislava Cheshmedzhieva-Stoycheva is currently working at the Department of English Studies at Shumen University. She is a member of the Bulgarian Society for the Study of English (BSSE, a member of ESSE), a member of the Union of Bulgarian Translators and in the Editorial Board of several journals. In 2018 she received the award for achievements in the field of specialized and scientific translation for her translation of Maria Montessori’s book The Secret of Childhood. She is the author of The Ethnic Other: The Image of Roma, Gypsies, and Travellers in the Bulgarian and the British Press (Asenevtsi, 2020). Her interests lie in the field of comparative linguistics, media studies and culture studies with focus on ethnicity, religion and identity.







Citation (APA): Cheshmedzhieva-StoychevaD. (2024). Book review: Legitimation and presidential campaign speeches: Discursive and pragmatic aspects [Легитимация и предизборни речи: Дискурсивни и прагматични аспекти] by Boryana Kostova-Stamboliyska. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT,12(2), 241-244



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