Title: Gender representation in English language textbooks in Bangladesh.
Vol. 12(2), 2024, pp. 62-82.
Author: Abdul Awal
About the author: Abdul Awal is working on his Ph.D. thesis at Doctoral School of Humanities, University of Lodz, Poland. His research focuses on linguistic imperialism and World Englishes. He is currently a visiting doctoral student at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, and a master’s student in Applied Multilingual and Multicultural Studies at the University of Warsaw, Poland. His academic interests include linguistic human rights, language policy and planning, linguistic justice, language and law, diversity management, and language planning and policy for indigenous minorities. Recently, he participated in the summer school “Youth in a Fair and Just World”, organised by the YOUNG – Nordic Journal of Youth Research and Nordic Youth Research Symposium (NYRIS 2024) in Helsinki, Finland.
Citation (APA style): Awal, A. (2024). Gender representation in English language textbooks in Bangladesh. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT,12(2), 62-82.
Abstract: This study investigated gender representation in English textbooks from Classes 6 to 10 in Bangladesh, using corpus analysis. AntConc, a textual analysis tool, was used to quantify the occurrence of gender-related lexical items in resources. The corpus comprises approximately 147,698 tokens distributed across the four textbooks. The results revealed significant disparities in the distribution of male- and female-associated lexical items. Here, male-related words occurred 1,958 times (1.33 %), whereas female-related words occurred 1,165 times (0.79 %). The highest imbalance ratio (0.94 %) was found in textbooks of class 6 having male represented words (1.95%) and female represented words (1.01%). This male-dominated gender disproportion appeared in the other three textbooks at different ratios, which may reflect Bangladesh’s cultural and societal norms. These distinctive and male-centred gender-biased textbooks may have an impact on students’ perceptions of gender roles and societal expectations. The findings of this corpus analysis predict how much textbook content may affect female students’ sense of inclusion and their collective consciousness of gender rights. Finally, it recommends ensuring gender equality and inclusion in the textbooks.
Key words: Bangladeshi textbooks, corpus analysis, gender representation, gender bias, gender equality
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