Title: Systemic functional linguistics and translator education: A literature review.
Vol. 12(2), 2024, pp. 83-99.
Author: Reem Fahad Alshalan
About the author: Reem Fahad Alshalan is an assistant professor at the College of Language Sciences at King Saud University (KSU) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She has 21 years of teaching experience in applied linguistics and translation courses. She has a PhD in Applied Linguistics from the college of Arts, KSU. Reem received an MA in TESOL from the college of Education at KSU in cooperation with the University of Leeds. She obtained her BA in English Language and Literature at the college of Arts, KSU and studied the last semester at California State University of Fullerton, USA. Her research interests include second language acquisition, discourse analysis, and translation studies
Citation (APA): Alshalan, R. F. (2024). Systemic functional linguistics and translator education: A literature review. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(2), 83-99.
Abstract: Previous studies have shown that Systemic Functional Linguistics has a significant role in providing an in-depth analysis for translation purposes (Kim et al., 2021). Studies explored the effect of analyzing certain aspects of register analysis when training translators. Comparisons of the source texts with the target texts were conducted by using SFL as a tool for text analysis. The current paper is set to provide a full review on SFL and translation studies. The aim of this review is twofold: it aims to review how theories and empirical studies of translation and applied linguistics are interrelated; it also focuses on how SFL has been investigated in translation studies. The review shows that research has focused more on comparative analysis to evaluate translations even when used for translator education. Further research on applying full register analysis as a pedagogical tool for translator education is needed.
Keywords: Systemic Functional Linguistics; translation studies; translator education; register analysis; thematic progression
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