Title: Assessing gamification-based LMS for EFL students: A self-directed learning framework.


Vol. 12(2), 2024, pp. 100-122.



Author: Joko Slamet 

About the author: Joko Slamet is a doctorate student in ELT at Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. His main research interests include English Language Teaching, Linguistics, ESP, Technology in Language Learning, and Research & Development (R&D). 


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Author: Yazid Basthomi

About the author: Yazid Basthomi is a faculty member with the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. During his doctoral career, he spent a stint of research, as a Fulbright scholar, at the ELI, University of Michigan, working on a genre analysis project. He also conducted a post-doc project at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. A past convener of the Master’s and Doctoral Program in ELT, his professorship is in the area of applied linguistics. Recently, he has co-supervised PhD thesis writing at the University of New England and Charles Darwin University, Australia, and been a visiting professor at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Having interests in genre analysis, he is currently coordinator of the publication division of TEFLIN. 






Citation (APA style): Slamet, J., & Basthomi, Y. (2024). Assessing gamification-based LMS for EFL students: A self-directed learning framework. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(2), 100-122 


Abstract: The efficacy of gamification-based Learning Management Systems (LMS) in facilitating English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning is an area of growing interest. However, a critical gap exists in comprehensively understanding how these platforms influence self-directed learning (SDL) among EFL students, particularly regarding self-management, self-motivation, and self-control. To address this lacuna, this study employs a survey design involving 50 EFL undergraduate students from STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo, a private university, in Indonesia. Grounded in Garrison’s SDL Framework, the research evaluates the impact of gamification on SDL dimensions within the LMS milieu. The data were collected through a questionnaire for quantitative analysis and interviews for qualitative insights. Findings unveil a nuanced landscape: while gamification initially boosts engagement and motivation, sustained self-management and control pose challenges. Implications underscore the imperative for tailored interventions to fortify SDL competencies within gamified environments. Recommendations advocate for the integration of personalized feedback mechanisms and collaborative features to scaffold EFL students’ SDL skills amidst gamified platforms.

Keywords: EFL students, gamification, LMS, self-directed learning



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