Title: Unlocking the potential of willingness to communicate on the Clubhouse application: Insights from the Heuristic Pyramid Theory.


Vol. 12(3), 2024, pp. 57-74



Author: Fatimah Az Zahra

About the author: Fatimah Az Zahra is an English practitioner and teacher. She received a bachelor’s degree in English Education program from Universitas Jember and a master’s degree in the same program from Universitas PGRI Delta Sidoarjo. She is interested in English Language Teaching, educational technology, instructional design, curriculum development, and World English research.




Author: Shierly Novalita Yappy

About the author: Shierly Novalita Yappy is currently teaching English as a foreign language at several universities. She has completed a Ph.D. in language education. Her research interests include Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, and TEFL.




Author: J. Priyanto Widodo

About the author: J. Priyanto Widodo is currently a lecturer at Universitas PGRI Delta Sidoarjo and Petra Christian University Surabaya, where he teaches courses in education and educational technology. He is a dedicated educator who is committed to improving the quality of education in Indonesia. He is also a strong advocate for the use of technology in education. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Technology from Universitas Negeri Malang.






Citation (APA): Az Zahra, F., Yappy, S. N., & Widodo, J. P. (2024). Unlocking the potential of willingness to communicate on the Clubhouse application: Insights from the Heuristic Pyramid Theory. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT,12(3), ….  


Abstract: Despite the growing popularity of digital language learning platforms, understanding the intricacies of communication willingness within these contexts remains limited. This study addresses the gaps in understanding the dynamics of willingness to communicate (WTC) on the “Smart and Easy English” Clubhouse Application through the lens of the Heuristic Pyramid Theory. The study adopts a case study design with three participants and employs a questionnaire encompassing Motivational Propensities (MP), Affective and Cognitive Context (ACC), and Social and Individual Context (SIC), complemented by an interview. The findings reveal both positive and negative insights into the participants’ communication experiences on the platform, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of WTC. The positive results highlight enhanced confidence and motivation, while negative aspects point to challenges in affective and cognitive dimensions. These findings have significant implications for optimizing communication experiences on Clubhouse and similar platforms, emphasizing the need for tailored interventions to address individual and social factors influencing WTC. This study contributes valuable insights to the intersection of language learning, communication willingness, and digital platforms, paving the way for improved user experiences and educational outcomes on Clubhouse.

Keywords: Clubhouse application, communication, language learning, Heuristic Pyramid theory, willingness to communicate



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