Title: Intercultural communication via translation of tourist-related promotional material.
Vol. 12(3), 2024, pp. 115-131.
Author: Jurgita Motiejūnienė
About the author: Jurgita Motiejūnienė is a lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and a member of the Language and Technologies research group, at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania. She is currently studying for a PhD of philology, with the focus on media and culture accessibility, at Vilnius University (VU), Lithuania. Her research interests include translation, linguistics, culture. She is teaching at the bachelor’s study programme Translation of Technical Texts and master’s study programme Translation and Post-editing of Technical Texts. She is a freelance translator, interpreter, editor. She has delivered practical seminars and workshop sessions nationally and internationally.
Author: Kamilė Mončytė
About the author: Kamilė Mončytė is currently studying for a bachelor’s degree in Translation of Technical Texts at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania. She is also a freelance translator, editor, interpreter, and administrator of the Research Department at KTU. Her research interests include technical translation, machine translation, language technology-related linguistic communication, and translation of culture-specific references. She has presented her research on culture at international conferences in Lithuania and Slovakia.
Citation (APA): Motiejūnienė, J., & Mončytė, K. (2024). Intercultural communication via translation of tourist-related promotional material. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(3), 115-131.
Abstract: Translation of culture-specific references (CSRs) is challenging and results in cultural compromises and even untranslatability, especially when cultures are different. The aim of this study is to identify strategies for translating CSRs from Lithuanian into English in tourist-related promotional texts. CSRs were categorised according to their types and translation strategies. The distribution of CSRs was almost proportional in all categories: organisations, material culture, social culture, names, and ecology. The translation strategies included literal translation (dominant), globalisation, preservation, addition, descriptive equivalent, omission and orthographic adaptation. The study contributes to the understanding of intercultural communication in the context of Lithuanian culture.
Keywords: intercultural communication, culture-specific references, tourism, promotional texts, translation strategies.
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