Title: “Our profound apologies”: Building rapport with webcare to online reviews.


Vol. 12(3), 2024, pp. 170-189.



Author: Ly Wen Taw-Turnbull

About the author: Ly Wen has been an educator for almost two decades. She received her PhD in Linguistics and Discourse Studies. Her research interests encompass pragmatics, discourse analysis and cultural communication. Her PhD research investigated the multidisciplinary nature of linguistics, hospitality and business management. She pursues her passion for business management, tourism and hospitality as an academic learning advisor in the Kaplan Business School, Australia.


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Citation (APA): Taw-Turnbull, L. W. (2024). Our profound apologies”: Building rapport with webcare to online reviews. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT, 12(3), 170-189.


Abstract: In this digital age the use of social media has evolved rapidly. This has empowered customers to express their sentiments about products or services on online platforms, leading to the emergence of influential electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM). Therefore, in various industries, webcare, which refers to customer care via online communications, is essential. In the hotel industry webcare has become an effective marketing tool and has received considerable critical attention in hospitality and business studies over the past two decades. In the field of linguistics, webcare has received increasing attention in recent years while going relatively unnoticed in the research literature of Southeast Asia. This study examines the apology strategies as webcare in rapport building in the responses to negative online reviews by hotels of three different star-ratings in Malaysia on TripAdvisor. The findings identified eight apology strategies. It was found that the strategy of offer of repair by the five-star hotels was significantly higher than the four- and three-star hotels. Compared to the four- and three-star hotels, the five-star hotels were least likely to use the strategy of explanation of situations. This study sheds light on cultural insights into webcare strategies in social media communications in the hotel industry in Malaysia.

Key words: webcare; rapport; apologising; online reviews; eWOM



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