Research in English Studies and FLT (Volume 11, Issue 1 - 2023)
e-ISSN 2534-9538 | p-ISSN 2534-952X
Title | Contents
Disaster management in a dystopian novel: A case study of JJ Amaworo Wilson’s Damnificados | Antony Hoyte-West
Semantic relations in the terminology field of marine engineering. Polysemy | Nadezhda Hristova
The use of ditransitive constructions among L1 Lugbarati speakers of English in Uganda: A preliminary study | Peace Yikiru, Bebwa Isingoma
Pedagogical conditions for the use of electronic educational resources in the context of the modernization of linguistic education | Dana Bartosh, Maria Kharlamova, Tatiana Pochinok, Elena Stoyanova
An investigation of the Saudi EFL teachers’ pragmatic awareness | Abdullah Ahmed Zughaibi
English language pre-service teachers’ perspectives on TED Talks as an educational support | Burcu Koç, Paşa Tevfik Cephe
Aspects of teaching and learning verbs of perception | Tsvetalina Aneva